Essentials Course

    Power of the Menu-Centric Mindset™

    Deliver high-quality outcomes to students by centering program purpose around the menu, employing a collaborative and strategic approach that reduces time and eliminates the drama of traditional menu planning guesswork.

    #1 Menu Process Optimization

    Understand the concept of a menu-centric mindset and how embracing it can lead a program to achieving high-quality student outcomes.

    #2 Bringing Purpose to the Processes

    Develop strategies to center program purpose and performance around the menu, enhancing nutritional integrity and efficiency.

    #3 Synergy Supercharged

    Refine your menu design approach by acquiring practical skills and effective tools to collaborate strategically, eliminating inefficiencies, minimizing time wastage, and removing unnecessary drama associated with traditional guesswork.

    What's included...

    • Trainings accessible at any time - learn at your own pace
    • Relatable and practical content tailor-made for school nutrition 
    • Tools & Templates to ease the journey
    • Access to Community Q&A live sessions
    • Earn CEUs along the way
    • ...and more!

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