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    Purpose-Driven Success Workshop

    Confidently create an empowered, thriving school nutrition operation by optimizing resources and creating a more peaceful and effortless workflow.
    If you've ever thought...
    "I feel like I'm drowning in my current workload, how can I possibly do more?"
    "We have so many hopes and plans for our school nutrition program but there is never enough time to get to them"

    We hear you. We've been there.

    We want to help you get to the bottom of your "someday" pile.

    We've created the systems and processes you need to navigate the transformation from burnout to empowered success.   

    You don't have to do this alone.

    What's included...

    • Trainings accessible at any time - learn at your own pace
    • Relatable and practical content tailor-made for school nutrition 
    • Tools & Templates to ease the journey
    • Access to Community Q&A live sessions
    • Earn CEUs along the way
    • ...and more!

    Course Lessons

    The Hive is here!

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